What To Do In Case of an Auto Accident with an Uninsured Driver?
When getting into and accident, calling the police is always best protocol. But when getting into an accident, you never know the situation you are put into when it comes to an uninsured driver. Of course, having a police/accident report will make any process much easier whether it comes to having your expenses covered or even helping the claims process. Also, it’s very important to take pictures of the damages, the location of where the accident occurred, and getting the other parties information.
Exchanging information is as important as taking pictures of the scene. In fact, this stage is where you might learn that the other driver doesn’t have any coverage at all. Be sure to get all the info you can regarding the other driver and their vehicle such as electric scooter, as well as the contact information for any witnesses.
When in an accident with another party whom is NOT insured, covering damages will have to be processed through your own insurance. UNINSURED MOTORIST INSURANCE, better known as “UIM“, is a coverage that protects you when you are involved in a car accident with another party who is not insured but clearly at fault.
Call your attorney for proper guidance on how to proceed with your claim. The consultation is extremely helpful. Not only will your attorney take away the stress and anxiety related to the processing of these difficult claims, but your attorney will also fight on your behalf in order to ensure that a fair outcome is obtained on your behalf to your satisfaction, not only to cover all of your out of pocket expenses, but to also compensate you for your pain and suffering resulting from the collision.
Our firm offers a FREE consultation and review of your automobile insurance coverage in order to provide you with a clear understanding on what coverages you carry and what additional options may benefit your family. Please feel free to contact our firm or our personal injury lawyer in Phoenix for this free review.