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Dog Bites

Dog Bites

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You’re walking down the street and suddenly, a dog comes running you’re way and is starting to chase you.  You don’t know what to do, therefore you end up getting bit by the dog.  According to the CDC, approximately 4.5 million dog bits occur in the US each year, and 800,000 of those bites result in medical care.  With the population of 328.2 million people in 2019, that means a dog bites, 1 out of every 73 people.  These are scary statistics. 


In many cases, dog bite attacks are a direct result in owner neglect which leaves the dog dangerous and violent when they could otherwise be very loving.

Why do dogs bite?

  • Dogs bite as a reaction to a stressful situation
  • Threatened or scared
  • Protection, their puppies or owners
  • Not feeling well
  • May nip or bite during play (which is why rough play should not be tolerated to ensure you don’t overly excite your animal).

How to prevent a dog bite?

  • Don’t approach an unfamiliar animal.
  • Do not run from a dog, panic or make loud noises.
  • If approached by an unfamiliar dog, remain motionless. Do not run or scream. Avoid direct eye contact.
  • Don’t disturb a dog while they’re eating, sleeping, or taking care of their puppies.
  • Allow a dog to sniff and smell you before you attempt to pet it.
  • If knocked over by a dog, roll into a ball and remain motionless. Be sure to cover neck and ears using your arms and hands.
  • Don’t encourage your dog to play aggressively.

If you’re bitten by a dog, what do you do next?

If you’re bitten by a dog, seek medical attention immediately, even if the wound appears to be minor.  Dog bits can introduce bacteria into your system that can cause serious if not deadly infections.

After you sought medical attention, you should then contact your local animal control agency.  They will investigate the incident and determine if the dog is up to date on its vaccinations.  If the dog is not vaccinated, it will be quarantined for a period of time to ensure that it does not have rabies.

If you are able to see past your current experience and realize that not all dogs are aggressive, then you will likely heal quickly from your physical and emotional injuries.  However, if you view all dogs as dangerous and aggressive, then it may take longer for you to recover.  In either case, it is important to seek professional help to deal with trauma so that your can move one.

GLG Law Group is equipped with lawyers that will fight for you.  We help succeed in your dog bite claim and get you the compensation for your physical and mental trauma caused by this personal injury.  Our doctors on staff are dedicated in helping us, help you.

Your injury matters.  Contact us at (877) 592-4600. for a FREE consultation and someone will fight for you and get all the compensation you’re deserved.