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Car Accidents


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An auto accident can be devastating. You may have a lot on your mind when you or a loved one is involved in a car collision, including the stressful notions of doctor’s visits and filing a personal injury claim. However, the first step to recovery is often the hardest: Finding help from the right medical and legal resources.

A car accident in Arizona will lead to medical and physical trauma, which can accrue medical expenses and bills pretty fast. In addition, lost wages and property damage can constitute an integral part of your injury claim.

A personal injury attorney in Arizona can help with your case, so you must take immediate action.

What to do when you get into a car collision?

  1. Remain calm and collected. Focus on your breathing.
  2. Check yourself and others for injuries and CALL 911 if someone is hurt.
  3. Make sure you document everything using your phone. Take pictures if you must.
  4. Ensure you exchange information with the other vehicle, but DO NOT ENGAGE IN A CONVERSATION.
  5. Wait for the police to arrive to give a statement.
  6. Seek medical treatment and follow up with your doctor.
  7. Call the insurance company.
  8. Call The Arizona personal injury attorneys of Gallagher Law Group. WE are the experts in car accidents and all personal injury cases and will advise you about your legal options, as well as the next steps.

Contact An Arizona Personal Injury Attorney

Negligence, reckless driving, and failure to drive responsibly often lead to catastrophe. Even worse, an insurance adjuster will not always look out for your best interest. This is one more reason why you need a personal injury attorney who will fight to keep the other driver accountable. Our car accident attorneys in Arizona are always available to help with your case.